Join us on Sunday, February 19 at 11:00 a.m. for a Chalice Circle service led by Dave Faucher — “Are You a Mensch?”.
In these times of “alternative facts,” “fake news,” and general vitriol is there still value in character? In Yiddish and German the word Mensch is used to describe a person of integrity and honor. It’s a high compliment, but in these times where the truth itself is on trial have we abandoned in our leaders what we aspire to in ourselves? Let’s explore idea and take some time for thoughtful listening this Sunday morning.
We’re following our wintertime custom of holding Sunday service downstairs in the Parish Hall to conserve on heating costs. The younger RE students will join us for the first part of the service, as the older kids meet for their “Questing” class. At 11:30, the younger students will have their “Beginnings” class while the older ones come out to participate with the adults.