We Survived the Polar Vortex and We’re Back!
Join us on Sunday, February 21, at 11:00 a.m. for a Chalice Circle Sunday Worship Service with David Faucher, “Beauty Around Us.”
Sometimes we just need to take a moment, a pause in our lives to quiet the noise within us and absorb the beauty that surrounds us on a daily basis. Today we’re going to explore that beauty though the lens of our Humanism forbearers. Join us as we discuss this in an open, supportive, sharing, listening circle.
RE will begin at 11:00 a.m. with the “Beginnings” class for younger students, while the older kids join the service upstairs. At 11:30 a.m., the older kids come down for their “Questings” class.
Following the service, at noon, we’ll share in our Fellowship Potluck lunch: “Valentine’s Day Feast”
Better late than never! Nothing says lov’in like something from the oven. Make some food for your honey this week and bring it in to share the love. Baked casseroles, pastas, breads, or desserts are welcome on this day we remember those we care about.