Join us on Sunday, January 4 at 5:00 p.m. for a worship service with Pastor Inanna Arthen on our January theme of “Renewal.” Every January 1, we welcome a new calendar year. Many of us make “resolutions” on New Year’s. The vast majority of these involve some kind of fresh start–losing weight or getting a new appearance, getting a new job, finding a new home, finding a new relationship. What’s behind our compulsion for renewal? Is it really possible to wipe the slate clean and start fresh, or are we chasing a fantasy?
We’ll also be focusing on some else new–becoming a new member of the church. What is involved in becoming a member, and why is it important? You’ll be able to ask Pastor Arthen and other members of the church any questions you may have.
Following the service, we’ll share a light potluck supper in the Fellowship Hall. Our theme is “Healthy Foods.” As we settle in for the onset of winter, let’s start the new year right by eating a little better. All are welcome!