Sunday, June 11, 11:00 a.m. — Sunday Worship with Rev. Inanna Arthen, “Flower Communion” and Annual Meeting

Join us on Sunday, June 11 at 11:00 a.m. for the last regular Sunday service of our church year, our traditional Flower Communion Service led by Rev. Inanna Arthen.

In this Intergenerational service, each person attending brings a flower. All the flowers are placed together in a vase, which is blessed. At the conclusion of the service, each member of the congregation chooses a flower to take home. We can always use extra flowers, so show off your garden or bring your favorite blooms to share.

Following the service, we’ll convene for the church Annual Meeting. We’ll elect officers, vote on the coming year’s budget and make other important decisions. All UUCW members are encouraged to attend! Anyone interested in joining the church or just seeing how the meeting works is also welcome. Bring some potluck food to share.

We’ll be having Summer Sunday Worship on alternating weekends (the same weekends as Saturday Yard Sales–but not dependent on weather!) in July and August. Watch our website and Facebook page for details!

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