Sunday, September 17, 1:00 p.m. – Water Communion Service

Join us for our annual Water Communion at 1:00 p.m. following the Millers River presentation by Anna Wilkins of NCLT. If you wish, please bring a sample of water to church. This could be from a source of special meaning to you (a river, pond, or your rain barrel), or just from your tap (or the church’s) or even a drinking bottle. At this lay-led service, we’ll celebrate water in poetry, readings and music. We’ll all combine our water samples into a single container along with our hopes, wishes and thoughts for the time ahead. Following this brief service, those who wish will walk over to the bridge on Whitney Pond, where we will pour the water into the Millers River, and in doing so, send collective good tidings downriver and through town.

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