Join us on Sunday, September 17 at 11:00 a.m. for Sunday Worship with Rev. Inanna Arthen, “Harvest’s Last Gleaning.”
Autumn Equinox in September marks the end of the harvest season for gardeners and farmers. Even if we don’t grow our own food, our lives are filled with the reckonings and celebrations that come when a big project is completed or a major dream is realized. But sometimes, we’re so busy dealing with the fruits of our labor, we don’t take a break to stop, take stock, and celebrate. At this reflective time of year, let’s explore ways to recognize and honor our life’s harvests.
We will not have Religious Education (Sunday School) this year, as our children have moved on or moved away. If you have questions about RE, please speak to Rev. Arthen or the Governing Board. Young people of any age who would enjoy the service and want to attend are always welcome.